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What the blazes is this then?

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- Unacceptable! It is unacceptable to lose 6 games in a row! Do you know that?! Huh, do you know Mr. Jones?! shouted in broken English inconvenient, the chairman of Sheffield Wednesday Football Club, Milan Mandaric.

- But, Mr. President, I try to motivate the players, but to no avail, he play like feet! retorted Dave Jones, the current coach of the club.

Mr Mandaric began to pace in the locker room.

- Yes, maybe they are like feet, but you're in for something that can not otherwise! said Mr Mandaric.

- I tell you I'm not here for nothing! I swear on the Bible that we will win our next game! repeated Dave Jones.

- It is not worth it, muttered Mr Mandaric, you're fired!

Dave Jones looked at his chair with a look of fury, but a white face and pale, normal reaction after such a declaration.

- Excuse me?! inquired Mr. Jones.

- You are not allowed to go on our land, then break you!

Dave Jones came out of the locker room, took his car in the parking lot and went home. It had nothing to do there, the president had even said.

And all this in the week when we discovered Gary Madine's use of hyphens shows room for improvement too. Not surprised though, he's played like feet this year.

Edited by PopePiusX
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