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Player Hatings

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A new post match thread to summarise the current amount of ill informed bile being directed at each player by the matchday section.

Kirkland - 7 - Only kept one clean sheet but sympathy is high after the Leeds incident and despite being so thin at least he's still fit.

Buxton - 5 - Opinion divided between shiit and genius. Often overlooked by the 'Jones tore apart the team' crowd.

Llera - 10 - The Spaniards stock is high. If he makes a mistake then it's Taylor's fault.

Gardner - 9 - Good performances have been recognised. Although his potential for injury does mean his popularity is fragile.

Jones - 5 - Climbing the charts but would advise extreme caution if thinking of logging into Twitter. I'm bored of typing this already.

Antonio - 7 - Shouldering burdon of expectation whilst still missing lots of chances. The "he's only young" excuse allowed on this occasion.

Barkley - 5 - The "he's only young" excuse does not wash. If he plays well then he should have played better.

Semedo - 10 - No choice here. A maximum score automatically appeared after I typed his name.

Corry - 7 - People can't tell him and Barkley apart so any criticism deflected to the fancy dan scouser.

Bothroyd - 0 - Would have been a minus score but the minus symbol would have looked confusing within the hyphen format of this post.

Madine - 6 - Popularity fluctuates too quickly to gain an accurate reading.

Megson - 11 - Found a cure for cancer, single handedly built a Romanian orphanage and accepted nobel peace prize. Busy day.

Please adjust your opinions accordingly.

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